Concussion Management
Measured Outcomes • Objective Decisions
Using best practices and state-of-the-art equipment, lets us help you answer the question with confidence...
"Can this athlete return to play?"

Who can benefit from Biodex Balance Testing?
Seniors and Fall Risk patients can be tested and and comprehensive balance program can be designed based on the objective Biodex test results. Post op patients can benefit from balance testing and training in order to fully recover balance and agility training.
Athletes can benefit from Biodex Balance Assessment for Concussion Management. This program delivers objective preseason baseline and postinjury balance assessment for athletes. Detailed summary and progress reports track recovery and provide quantitative data to aid clinicians, trainers and coaches with safe return-to-play decisions.

Facts About Concussions
In the US alone, more than 300,000 sports-related concussions occur annually; high school and college football players make up the highest percentage of those in jeopardy. All athletes, not limited to contact sports, have the potential to experience a concussion at some point during their careers.
Doctors at the Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Sports Medicine Concussion Program, want athletes, coaches, trainers, team physicians and parents to be aware of new research data on concussion symptoms and the effects and dangers of returning concussed athletes to the playing field before the brain has had time to heal. The results of six separate research studies in major medical journals have revealed the following:
- High school athletes are likely to have slower recovery than college-aged or older athletes and to be more susceptible to severe neurological deficits should they be reinjured during recovery.
- Post concussive symptoms can be quite subtle; coaches and athletic trainers often miss the diagnosis.
- All concussions cause significant and sustained neuropsychological impairments in information processing speed, problem solving, planning and memory...impairments are worse with multiple concussions.
- Amnesia, not loss of consciousness, may be the main indicator of concussion severity and predictor of post-injury, long-term neurological problems. Research shows an athlete can have a severe concussion without losing consciousness.

ActiveBody Physical Therapy Can Provide a Best Practices Concussion Program!
Our facility uses Biodex Balance Assessment for Concussion Management which brings together cognitive and functional objective assessment. Using accepted tools and best practices, this comprehensive program provides an off-site single-source solution for your athletes.
Program Overview:

Consistent with NCAA Guidelines
- Concussion management education for coaches, players, parents and administrators.
- Objective preseason baseline testing of balance and neurocognitive function is used to identify any pre-existing conditions or for post-injury comparison.
- Sideline assessment protocol helps gather information at the time of injury for symptoms, cognition and function. Sideline assessment is the cornerstone for identifying red flags that may require immediate medical attention.
- Return-to-play decisions are supported by evidence-based protocols.
- HIPAA compliant post-injury Summary Report shows status, progress and outcomes of tests.
Program Details:
For athletic programs that lack the resources to fully implement a concussion program in-house, we offer cognitive and balance assessment, test result storage with objective documentation and medically-supported protocols.
ActiveBody Physical Therapy offers a structured concussion management program utilizing best practices and state-of-the-art equipment to help answer the question, “can this athlete return to play?.”
Preseason Baseline Screening
- Graded Symptom Checklist
- Neurocognitive Test
- Clinical Test of Sensory Integration of Balance (mCTSIB) performed on the Biodex Balance System SD and the portable BioSway Post-Injury Evaluation
- Graded Symptom Checklist
- Repeat neurocognitive test compared to baseline
- Repeat mCTSIB compared to baseline
- Review results and recommend best practice action plan
Re-evaluation for Return-to-play Decision
Comparison of preseason and post-injury objective test results are reviewed in consultation with parents, athlete, physician and coaching staff (with permission), regarding return-to-play decision.

Determine if you are at risk to fall
- Identify the factors that put you at risk
- Modify the risk factors
- Improve mobility
- Maintain independence
Ask your medical professional about participating in a Biodex Fall Risk Screening and Conditioning Program or call us at:
Orange, CA 92865
(714) 998-8403
Why you may need a Fall Risk Screening and Conditioning Program
For older adults, falls are one of the greatest causes of serious health problems. ...25% of patients over the age of 65 with hip fractures die within six months… 25% lose significant function, and 50% experience a decrease in mobility. Modifying the factors that lead to falls will increase mobility and confidence, both critical to maintaining a more independent life style.
Facts on Falls
Both the incidence of falls and the severity of fall-related complications rise steadily after age 60. In the United States one in three people aged 65 years and older fall each year. After age 75 the rates are even higher.
What are the major causes of falls?
The most common cause of falls include weak muscles, unstable balance, dizziness, vision problems, side effects from medications and environmental hazards.
How serious are falls?
Falls can result in hip fractures, head injuries and even death.
- Falls are the leading cause of injury deaths among people 65 years and older
- More than 40% of people hospitalized from a hip fractures do not return home and are not capable of living independently
How can I reduce my Risk for Falling?
Studies show that balance training, gait, strength and flexibility training not only improve mobility, but also help reduce the risk of falling.
Entrance into the Fall Risk Screening and Conditioning Program is on the basis of a balance screening or a doctor’s referral based on increased risk due to age, history, medication changes, muscle changes, degenerative joint disease, post arthroplasty or osteoporosis.

Program Overview
Three areas proven important in assessing your risk of falling will be addressed in this program.
Lower Body Strength
Strength is a critical factor for a rapid response to a balance disturbance. Testing will identify weakness and, if necessary, exercise will significantly improve lower body strength.

Normal balance is controlled by a complex combination of visual, muscular and neurologic systems. Together, these factors keep us from falling when we encounter an unexpected disturbance. Testing and appropriate exercise will improve an individual’s ability to remain upright under challenging conditions.
Aerobic Endurance
Older adults typically display a slower walking speed. Steps are also shorter and vary in length. These are all factors related to falls. Independence is directly related to walking speed. Testing and, if necessary, exercise helps you learn how to walk more safely and confidently.

Program Details
A structured program that consists of eight visits over a four-week period. The patient is evaluated for specific risk factors known to contribute to falling and decreased mobility.
- Self-Assessment of General Health
- Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
- Lower Body Strength
- Balance Test
- Aerobic Endurance Test
The test results from the evaluation are reviewed with you. We will advise if you are at risk of falling due to physical limitation such as strength and/or balance. If the cause is physical we will plan an exercise program just for you. We will also help you identify and eliminate environmental factors that you may find at home or in your community.
In-Clinic Exercise- Exercise targeted to improve strength, balance, walking speed, step length, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness.
- Instruction for simple exercises that can be done at home will be suggested.
A report is provided to you and your referring physician summarizing the effect of the four week program. Your physician may recommend continued structured exercise to address specific problems.

Reduce the risk of falls, improve mobility and maintain independence
Most insurance plans, including Medicare, cover assessment and conditioning for fall programs.
For additional information, speak with your doctor, physical therapist or insurance agent.